  • NIFTY: 23,603.35
  • -92.95 (-0.39)
  • SENSEX: 78,058.16
  • -213.12 (-0.27)
-92.95 (-0.39)

Why Invest in Sovereign Gold Bond?

It is a stable, safe and secure investment option with adequate liquidity.
Sovereign Gold Bonds Prices
Updated Price
The issue price of sovereign gold bonds is linked to the prevailing price of gold.
Sgb gold bond Investment
Interest Payouts
Investors are paid interest of 2.5% per annum. The payments are made semi-annually.
Sgb gold bond trade scheme
Sovereign gold bonds can be traded in the secondary market after a fixed period, as decided by the Reserve Bank of India.
Physical gold scheme
Physical Gold
  • Ensuring safety requires a sophisticated setup
  • Various levies like making charge affect the value
  • Purity a concern as adulteration is rampant
  • Total returns slightly lower than actual gold
  • Limited tradability
  • Long term capital gains tax after 3 years
sgb returns
Sovereign Gold Bond
  • Electronic form makes it relatively safe
  • No impact on returns due to additional levies
  • Electronic form results in high purity
  • Optimal returns due to interest payout
  • Easily tradable through exchanges
  • Long term capital gains tax after 3 years but no taxes are levied if held till maturity

What we Offer

Geojit offers a convenient and simple medium of investing in gold bonds.
invest in gold
Timely Updates
Get timely updates on investment opportunities related to sovereign gold bonds.
Online  and offline gold invest
Ease of access
With both online and offline modes of investment, you do not have to worry about the availability of network connection.

SOVEREGIN GOLD BOND SCHEME 2021-22 Tranche Date of Subscription Date of Issuance
1 2021-22 Series I May 17 –21, 2021 25.May.21
2 2010-21 Series II May 24 –28, 2021 01.Jun.21
3 2010-21 Series III May 31 - June 04, 2021 08.Jun.21
4 2010-21 Series IV July 12 - 16, 2021 20.Jul.21
5 2010-21 Series V August 09 - 13, 2021 17.Aug.21
6 2021-22 Series VI August 30 - September 03, 2021 07.Sep.21
7 2021-22 Series VII October 25 – 29, 2021 02.Nov.21
8 2021-22 Series VIII November 29 - December 03, 2021 07.Dec.21
9 2021-22 Series IX January 10 - 14, 2022 18.Jan.22
10 2021-22 Series X February 28 - March 04, 2022 08.Mar.22


SGBs are government securities denominated in grams of gold.It is a substitute to buying physical gold. Issue price can be paid in cash andthe bonds will be redeemed in cash on maturity, based on the ongoing goldprices.

 The Gold Bond isissued by the Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Government of India.

Why buy SGB? The quantity of gold purchased by SGB investorsis protected, since you receive the ongoing market price at the time ofredemption/ premature redemption.

· TheSGB offers a superior alternative to holding gold in physical form. The risksand costs of storage are eliminated. ·SGB is free from issues like making charges and purity of gold as jewellery. · The bonds are held in thebooks of the RBI or in demat form eliminating risk of loss of scrip etc.

 The investment formsare available on Selfie Web, Selfie Platinum and Selfie Mob. Forms are alsoavailable at all our branches. For more information, you can contact our callcenter or visit our branches for immediate assistance.

Currentlythis facility is not available for this product 

In NSE the symbol is GBNOV23 and in BSE the symbol isSGB20151. You may search the respective symbols and then add to market watch.From the real time quotes available you can place the orders. For selling theunits which are available in your DP, the same will be available in yourportfolio. You may place the sell order from here.

No,you do not have to sign any specific agreements. Clients those who haveeligibility to trade in NSE/BSE can avail of this facility. 

You will be advised one month before maturity regarding theensuing maturity of the bond. On maturity, the funds shall be creditedautomatically to the bank account furnished by the investor at the time ofbuying the bond.

On redemption, the funds will be credited to the bankaccount furnished by the investor at the time of buying the bond. But if it issold in the secondary market then it will be credited to the trading a/c.

The bond will be tradable on Exchanges, if held in dematform. You may place the sell order in your trading platform or call ourbranches/call centre to place these orders for you.

Yes. It can be transferred to any other eligible investor.

Though the tenure of the bond is 8 years, earlyencashment/redemption of the bond is allowed after the fifth year from the dateof issue on any coupon payout date.

i)                   Interest on the Bonds will be taxable as per theprovisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961).

ii)                  Capital gains tax treatment will be the same asthat for physical gold.

How much would be the interest rate and when it will begiven?

You will be compensated at a fixed rate of 2.75 per annum onthe initial value of investment. The interest is paid every 6 months.

Yes, you can convert your physical holdings into demat mode.All you need to do is to fill up the Dematerialisation Request form (DRF) andsubmit the physical certificate along with the form.

The brokerage rates are the same as that of equity.

Any person who is a resident in India, as per the tenets ofthe Exchange Management Act,1999 is eligible to invest in SGB. Eligibleinvestors include Individuals, HUFS, Trusts, Universities, CharitableInstitutions. Joint holding of bonds is also allowed

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB)?

SGBs are government securities denominated in grams of gold.It is a substitute to buying physical gold. Issue price can be paid in cash andthe bonds will be redeemed in cash on maturity, based on the ongoing goldprices.

Who issues the gold bond?

 The Gold Bond isissued by the Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Government of India.

Why buy SGB? The quantity of gold purchased by SGB investorsis protected, since you receive the ongoing market price at the time ofredemption/ premature redemption.

What are the benefits?

· TheSGB offers a superior alternative to holding gold in physical form. The risksand costs of storage are eliminated. ·SGB is free from issues like making charges and purity of gold as jewellery. · The bonds are held in thebooks of the RBI or in demat form eliminating risk of loss of scrip etc.

Which are terminals through which I can purchase/Sell gold bonds?

 The investment formsare available on Selfie Web, Selfie Platinum and Selfie Mob. Forms are alsoavailable at all our branches. For more information, you can contact our callcenter or visit our branches for immediate assistance.

Can I do Intraday/BTST trading for this product?

Currentlythis facility is not available for this product 

How to purchase/Sell the bonds through NSE/BSE?

In NSE the symbol is GBNOV23 and in BSE the symbol isSGB20151. You may search the respective symbols and then add to market watch.From the real time quotes available you can place the orders. For selling theunits which are available in your DP, the same will be available in yourportfolio. You may place the sell order from here.

Do I need to sign any agreement for availing this product?

No,you do not have to sign any specific agreements. Clients those who haveeligibility to trade in NSE/BSE can avail of this facility. 

What are the procedures involved during redemption?

You will be advised one month before maturity regarding theensuing maturity of the bond. On maturity, the funds shall be creditedautomatically to the bank account furnished by the investor at the time ofbuying the bond.

On redemption where will the funds get credited?

On redemption, the funds will be credited to the bankaccount furnished by the investor at the time of buying the bond. But if it issold in the secondary market then it will be credited to the trading a/c.

Can I encash the bond anytime I want?

The bond will be tradable on Exchanges, if held in dematform. You may place the sell order in your trading platform or call ourbranches/call centre to place these orders for you.

Whether the bonds are transferrable?

Yes. It can be transferred to any other eligible investor.

Is premature redemption allowed?

Though the tenure of the bond is 8 years, earlyencashment/redemption of the bond is allowed after the fifth year from the dateof issue on any coupon payout date.

What are the tax implications on i) interest and ii) capital gain?

i)                   Interest on the Bonds will be taxable as per theprovisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961).

ii)                  Capital gains tax treatment will be the same asthat for physical gold.

How much would be the interest rate and when it will begiven?

You will be compensated at a fixed rate of 2.75 per annum onthe initial value of investment. The interest is paid every 6 months.

Can I convert my physical holdings into demat mode, if so what are the procedures involved?

Yes, you can convert your physical holdings into demat mode.All you need to do is to fill up the Dematerialisation Request form (DRF) andsubmit the physical certificate along with the form.

What are the brokerage charges applicable to this product?

The brokerage rates are the same as that of equity.

Who is eligible to invest in SGB?

Any person who is a resident in India, as per the tenets ofthe Exchange Management Act,1999 is eligible to invest in SGB. Eligibleinvestors include Individuals, HUFS, Trusts, Universities, CharitableInstitutions. Joint holding of bonds is also allowed